Friday 10 December 2021

Summer Learning Journey

Yesterday the teacher sighed us up to the Summer Learning Journey.  We had to answer some questions but then once we finished the questions we could do games on the Summer Learning Journey.  There was a game called Blob Opera and there are four Blobs and you can make them sing.  I was really funny.  We did it because we had to do the Summer Learning Journey.

Friday 6 August 2021


For maths I am learning about multiplication.  I learnt that two times six and six times two both equal twelve.  We do this maths thing and its called a flip shoot.  Cards come with it to.  On the cards are maths questions.  We guess the answer when we put the card into the flip shoot and then the flip shoot turns it over so we can see the answer so we can see if we are right.  I have been doing it for maths.  Have you ever played with a flip shoot? 

Friday 9 July 2021

Term 2

This term we have been doing a lot of things.  For Maths we have been learning about Place Value and Tidy Numbers.  My favourite thing about maths this term was Tidy Numbers.  For Writing we had to do Persuasive Writing.  We had to Persuade the reader that Matariki should or should not be a public holiday and for Spelling we had to slides that told us about Contractions and Belonging Apostrophes.  

On the last week before holidays we were going to do a Great Debate.  We were put into groups.  I was with three other people.  We had to convince people that cats were better than dogs but we didn't have to believe it.  On the second to last day before the school holidays we had Mr Abbott.  I think Mr Abbott is the best teacher because he let us do fun stuff all day.  One of the things we could do was scratch.  Me and one of my best friends did scratch.  We made a ping pong game.  It was fun.  We did Kahoot as well.  I came first and two of my friends came second and third.  Another thing we did that day was making music.  Mr Abbott made the introduction song in Star Wars.  It was super fun.  This term we also did Matariki Art.  We each made a picture.  It had mountains in the dark at the bottom of the picture then the Northern Lights and at the very top we had the star pattern of Matariki.  We did an animated gif.  We had to find somewhere dark to do our animated gif.  On the second to last week before the school holidays on Thursday we had to make flakes baskets because the next day we were getting a sausage and we had to put the sausage in our flakes baskets.  It was hard to make the flakes baskets.  Have you ever made a flakes basket?

Friday 2 July 2021

Matariki Star

We have been painting a Matariki star.  She is the mother of the six sisters in a Maori myth about star patterns.  We searched the image from the web and transferred it to the star.  We were asked to paint it for the Matariki Festival.  We painted it with acrylic paint.  We needed to be very careful.  This is the star painted by the senior students in Piwakawaka and Kereru.

Friday 25 June 2021

Matariki Art

We have been making Matariki Art.  I am going to tell you how to make our art.

You Are Going To Need:

  • 2 Newsprint's
  • A Pencil
  • Scissors
  • An Image Of A Mountain Range
  • A4 Black Paper
  • Pastel Chalk
  • Stick on Stars
  • HairSpray
  • White Mounting Paper
  • A Glue Stick
First get the newsprint, the pencil and the image of a mountain range.  Copy the mountain range with the pencil on the newsprint.  Get the scissors and cut along the line you just drew.  Then get the other newsprint and put it under the other piece of newsprint.  Scrape the pastel chalk up on the edge of the mountains and then get all the other pastel chalk and scrape them up too.  After you have done that use your finger and push your pastel chalk up.  Next get the newsprint that you cut and put it on the piece of A4 black paper.  Then get the pastel chalk and do what you just did with the other piece of newsprint.  Next take the newsprint off the black piece of paper so that it looks like the mountains are in the shade.  Then put stickers that are shaped like stars on the picture in the sky where Matariki would be.  After you have done that you need to get the hairspray and hairspray the place where you put on the pastel chalk so that it won't be sticky.  Lastly get the glue stick and put it on the back of the picture and then stick it on to the white mounting paper.  

Friday 18 June 2021

Tidy Numbers

My Maths group has been learning about tidy numbers.  Tidy numbers are numbers that are easy to add and subtract.  For example if you had to add 323 + 130 it would be hard so you could make 323 into 325 + 130 then it would be easier and then when you know that number you would just subtract two. 

Friday 11 June 2021

The Giant Skateboard

 On Friday three people came to our school.  They bought a giant skateboard with them.  Our class and another class went out to see them first.  First the three men told us there names.  One of there names was James another was Matt and the last one was Beaumont.  Next they told us why they had a giant skateboard.  They had the skateboard to try and make more people go to the Olympics.  Then told us the rules.  There were two rules.  The first one was that you weren't allowed to go on the bolts that were on the side and the second one was you weren't allowed on the top of the skateboard.  Then they said we could go and see the skateboard.  There were seats under the skateboard that we could sit on.  Next the guy called James asked us if we would like to be in the paper.  We all said yes.  So the paper lady took a photo of us.  Then the three guys told us to come over to them and asked us if we had any questions.  We had lots.  One of them was what the skateboard was made of.  They said it was made of fibre glass and plywood and another one was how big it was.  They said it was 18 times bigger than a normal skateboard then the teachers said we had to go back to class.